T 2 Writing

WALT think about our audience as we write and make our recount interesting.
SUCCESS CRITERIA My recount is interesting for someone to read.
STUDENT VOICE " I have tried to write longer sentences to make my writing interesting". 

Science Term 2

WALT know what plants need to grow. 
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know that plants need sunlight, water and food from the soil to grow.

STUDENT VOICE I know that plants need some sun., some water and some food.  

MathsTerm 2

WALT count in twos. 

Success Criteria  We can skip count like 2,4,6....Student Voice " I know to say every second number"

STUDENT VOICE " I can skip count missing out every second number". 

Reading Term 2

WALT read so that it sounds like we are talking.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I do not read word by word.STUDENT VOICE " My reading sounds like when I am talking so it sort of runs along. 

Te Reo Term 2

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the greetings Tena Koe, Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I can say Hello to one person with Tena koe or two people with Tena Korua or three people with Tena koutou in Maori".